Broadening the 2A Tent
At Citizens Safety Academy, part of our mission is to open the Second Amendment community to as many different walks of life as possible. This free course was designed for anyone interested in the exploring the possibilities, the justifications, and the unique challenges of expanding the firearms training community and ensuring the continued growth of Second Amendment support.
NOTE: Broadening the 2A Tent is not part of our concealed carry permit class (CCP Express). It’s a bonus class that we offer the community for free. If you registered for CCP Express and you’d like to start that class, please visit the My Account page.
Course Description
Research shows that human beings are tribal by nature. We can’t help but gravitate towards people who remind us of ourselves. But have we taken this natural tendency to a counterproductive extreme? If you’re a firearms trainer, a gun-industry product vendor, or a Second Amendment advocate of any kind, then you can’t afford to idle in your social or political comfort zone. This session will take an honest look at how the pro-gun community can become less insular and reach audiences beyond the echo chamber.
Ready to get started?
Click the lesson links below to get started. We hope you enjoy the course!
Click the image below to access our Google Doc for this class. It lists all the resources we reference throughout the seminar, with lots of links to our reference material. If you know of other relevant material that we should add, please let us know!